The E-statement is grouped by Brand. VI= VISA and MC=Mastercard and so on. So for each Brand, you will have the following info:

UID: This is the unique number for each payment device

Merchant Name: Name of the Merchant

Type of record:

  • Merchant Total: This is the total of all transactions of the specific brand mentioned for all payment devices for the club.
  • Pos Total: This is the total of all transactions of the specific brand mentioned for all payment devices for the location (if the club has several locations)
  • Mach. Total: This is the total of all transactions of the specific brand mentioned for a specific payment device.
  • Trx: Each transaction shown

Paym. date: The date the payment is done to the club

Brand: The brand of the payment card

Trx Date: The date it has been paid by the customer

Gross Amount: This is the amount the customer has paid

Comm. Amount: This Is the fee for Worldline - based on the percentage mentioned in the "Rate" column. Remember this is an average rate. Each month a final statement will come, where the right fee is calculated.

Net amount: This is the amount after the fee to Worldline which will be transferred to your account. The total amount transferred to your account will be the Merchant Total for each brand added.